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I wrote a thrilling detective tale.

A drive-by shooting in Long Beach, CA goes unsolved. Ballistic evidence sets off alarms in Washington, DC nearly a year after the killing. Detective Sam Devereaux is assigned a visiting investigator from the CIA to work the case. He is kept out of the "loop" for reasons of "National Security." Devereaux goes ballistic himself and is finally told the identity of the suspected killer and the chase is on. The hunt reaches from Long Beach to the corridors of the CIA and a chilling climax on a ferry boat during a raging Northwest snowstorm.

Paperback book $17.95
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- A must read! This book had me from the first page. I could not put it down, but I also did not want to finish it and have it be over. The characters became like old friends and I was anxious to read what would happen next. I love a good murder mystery and this book ranks up there with any James Patterson novel! I am eagerly awaiting any new novels from this author! (Mary, Sept 7, 2007)

- I love a mystery that keeps me on the edge of my reading chair and this plot held my attention to the very end. The author's descriptions of both the Long Beach, CA and Bremerton, WA areas were very vivid. I felt that I had made the journey on the Puget Sound Ferry along with the characters. (Marianne, Sept 6, 2007)

- Suspenseful and exciting throughout the story; the ending left me rather breathless! It was hard to put down. (Doglady, Aug. 28, 2007)

(Reviews from www.lulu.com and amazon.com)

FALSE WITNESSES was copyrighted (©) 2007 by Jon L. Adams. All rights reserved.